Sími 8626194 Langholtsvegur 168 100 % visa
netgíró, Kortalán
á frábæru verði = Hringdu og komdu og skoðaðu.
39.900 krónur
aðeins - Nuddbekkir í þessum gæðum kosta mun meira
undir hendur eins og á mynd fylgir
sem og ferðataska.
Traust -
Sterk - Falleg - Ódýr - Endingagóð -
eða sendu mér sms í
8626194 eða sendu email á egat@egat.is eða eirikursv@simnet.is
hvernig þú vilt
nálgast vörurnar eða láta senda þær og hvernig þú vilt haga
greiðslu .Öll
verð eru með vsk
Það borgar sig að versla
hjá aðila sem hefur verið í faginu í hartnær 30 ár og veit því hvað
góðir bekkir þurfa að hafa til að endast. Bekkir
frá 39.000 allar nánari upplýsingar um verð á : www.egat.is Ef
þú vilt alvöru nuddbekki sem kosta lítið þá er Egat Deluxe
,Supreme,Faster og fleiri svarið....
Hvað þarf að ath við kaup á nuddbekkjum ?
ber að varast við kaup á nuddbekkjum ?
Bekkur má ekki vera mjórri en 76 cm, sem er passleg breidd fyrir flesta
en ef þu vilt koma stóru fólki fyrir á bekknum þá þarf hann að vera 81
cm á breidd.
Bekkur verður að vera úr sterkri viðartegund, ekki áli eða járni því þá
er hætt við að hann fari að skrölta eftir stuttan tima
Mýkt á dýnu skiptir miklu máli upp á það hversu lengi hún endist,
þannig að dýnur með ákveðinn þettleika (memory foam) eru bestar.
Hvaða viðartegund er í bekknum ? European Beech wood er sterkur og
góður viður.
Ábyrgð á bekkjum - Við erum með 5 ára ábyrgð.
Lengd á bekk er stórt atriði. Okkar bekkir eru 1.92 cm fyrir utan
Gæði svamps hefur mikið að segja og stenst okkar svampur; standard of
California Proposition 65 (CP65) og the Flammability Test (California
Technical Bulletin No. 117-2000, Section A, Part I, Resilient Cellular
Materials). This testing report is for testing the flame retardance of
resilient cellular materials used in upholstered furniture.
er hættulegt efni í svampi sem talið er vera krabbameinsvaldandiu,
mikið af svampi á markaðnum hefur TDCPP og rétt er að geta þess að
okkar svamour inniheldur ekkert af þessum efnum !
Þú færð ekki betri
nuddbekki á svona góðu verði í þessum topp klassa
eru Egat Deluxe bekkirnir komnir með vatnshelt áklæði sem
það að verkum að ending á áklæði endist lengi - líta alveg eins
út en en kosta 66.000 beige og svört 69.000
Egat Superius með Olíu og Vatnsheldu áklæði kosta 69.900
Our deluxe hydrolysis
resistance PU has high elasticity and strength, but yet soft to the
touch. This PU will make sure you are worry free for many years. It is
water and alcohol resistant. Quality Tests: Color Fastness
Test, Elasticity Test, Thickness Test, Surface Defect Test. -
Basic Nuddbekkur
að hækka og lækka bak
eins og hentar
- þyngd 17.5 kg
- Burðarþol
- Tekur stöðuga vigt 1000 kg
- þykkt
dýnu er 4.0 cm
- Breidd er 76 cm + aukalega fyrir
- hæðarstillingar frá 57 cm - 83 cm
borð eru eru of mjó fyrir venjulega líkamsbreidd)
Rústrauðir eða Svartir -
Lengd er
1.84 fyrir
utan höfuðpúða
- Verð : 59.000 Tilboð : 46.900 ef
innborgað 30.000 meðan hann er á leiðinni (kemur í lok april )Kaupa
núna 2 years warranty
Rounded corners
11-Position elevating back rest
Face hole and filler
Reiki endplate on both-end
Both-end outlets for headrest
Double Knobs offer extra safety
4cm thick multi-layered foam system
Economic, super sof t PU upholster ing, environment friendly
Super-strong hardwood treated by walnut or clear lacquer coating
Lux ious table pac kage inc luding: face cushion, adjustable face
lowered armrest, side armrest, carrying case
Deluxe með Memory Foam
(allir bekkir hér fyrir neðan með memory foam og olíu og vatnsheldir )
Hydrolysis resistance PU has high elasticity and strength, but yet soft
to the touch. This PU will make sure you are worry free for many years.
It is water and alcohol resistant(
Egat Deluxe með vatnsheldu PU á
66.000 beige og svartir ) Memory
Foam returns to its original state. Massage tables with
Memory Foam are more comfortable for clients, especially ones
that lie in one position for a long amount of time. Memory
Foam evenly distributes clients’ body weight keeping pressure from
building up in certain spots
Deluxe með Memory Foam
Verð : 72.900, kaupa
með vatns og olíheldu áklæði = betri ending
á áklæði
að áklæðið endist alla ævi og kemur ekki til með að trosna.
Vatnshelt áklæði
- Ferðataska
15.7 kg
-Tekur stöðuga vigt 1250 kg
dýnu er 7.6 cm með memory foam
- Breidd er 76 cm
borð eru eru of mjó fyrir venjulega líkamsbreidd)
- Gat fyrir höfuðpúða á báðum endum.
litað eða svartir með
walnut fótum. -
Lengd er
1.92 (ath
1.84) fyrir utan höfuðpúða
þýðir að bekkurinn tekur hávaxnara fólk)
Year Limited Warranty -
- Reiki
endplate on both-ends -Headrest
outlets on both-ends -
leg lock knobs offer extra safety -
length piano hinge for extra strength and stability -
soft-touch PU upholstering -3.0" thick
multi-layered Soft-foam
system including 3/4" of memory
foam -
crafted non-gap Finger-joint wooden table top -Super-strong European beech wood þolir
álag upp á 250 kg í vinnu sem er ekki það sama og stöðug þyngd sem
bekkurinn tekur (1250 kg)
Egat Superius - Breitt,langt
og gott borð fyrir þá sem eru stórir um sig.
: 76.900
vatns/olíuheldu áklæði = betri ending
á áklæði
að áklæðið
endist alla ævi og kemur ekki til með að trosna.
litað eða fjólubláir
hæðarstillingar frá 60 cm - 86 cm
Memory foam á dýnu sem býr til extra mýkt
Lengd er 1.92
utan höfuðpúða -
Breidd 81 cm
- þyngd
16.7 kg
- þykkt
7,6 cm
- Burðarþol
250 kg
fyrir höfuðpúða
báðum endum.
- Ferðataska
- 2 Year
Limited Warranty
- Rounded
- Reiki endplate on both-ends
outlets on
leg lock knobs offer extra
length piano hinge for extra strengthand stability
comfort Skin-touch luxurious PU upholstering
thick multi-layered Soft-foam
system including 3/4" of memory
crafted non-gap
Finger-joint wooden table top
- Super-strong European
beech wood
álag upp á 250 kg í vinnu sem er ekki það sama og stöðug þyngd sem
bekkurinn tekur (1000 kg)
Comfort Flex - Snyrti
og nuddbekkur
Lengd er 1.92 cm fyrir
utan höfuðpúða
Breidd er 76 cm
þyngd 18.2 kg
Burðarþol 250 kg
þykkt 7,6 cm
fyrir höfuðpúða á báðum endum.
að hækka og lækka bak
eins og hentar
2 Year Limited
- hæðarstillingar frá 60 cm - 86 cm
elevating back rest
endplate on both-ends
outlets on both-ends
leg lock knobs offer
extra safety
piano hinge for extra
strength and stability
Soft-touch PU upholstering
2.5" thick
multi-layered Soft-foam
non-gap Finger-joint wooden table top
European beech wood
álag upp á 250 kg í vinnu sem er ekki það sama og stöðug þyngd sem
bekkurinn tekur (1000 kg)
Egat Era
óléttubekkur Verð:
vatns og olíuheldur= betri ending
á áklæði
= þannig að
endist alla ævi og kemur ekki til með að trosna.
er 1.92 cm fyrir
utan höfuðpúða
76 cm
16.2 kg
álag upp á 250 kg í vinnu sem er ekki það sama og stöðug þyngd sem
bekkurinn tekur (1000 kg)
7,6 cm
fyrir höfuðpúða á báðum endum.
Cinnamon, svartir eða beige á litinn.
frá 60 cm - 86 cm 2
Year Limited Warranty
Rounded corners
Shiatsu release cables
Reiki endplate on both-ends
Headrest outlets on both-ends
Removable breast and stomach recesses
Double leg lock knobs for extra safety
Full length piano hinge for extra strength and stability
Super comfort Skin-touch luxurious PU upholstering
3" thick multi-layered Soft-foam system
Precision crafted non-gap Finger-joint wooden table top
Super-strong European beech wood
undir óléttubekk Egat Era
Egat Coster
Verð 224.000 Tilboð 194.000
ef greitt er 30.000 innborgun kaupa
núna kemur í mars/april 2022
Verð 194.000
Lyftir 204 kg
Breidd 76 cm
Rafmagnslyfta á allan bekkinn.
7.5 cm þykkt
Höfuðpúði þar sem andlit fellur inn í fylgir
Svartir , rústrauðir eða Beige litaðir
Lifting Capacity: 450 lbs/ 204kgs
Length:72.5"/ 184cm (Table top),
including headrest: 83.1"/ 211cm
Width:25"/ 63cm, 27"/ 67cm, 28"/ 71cm,
30"/ 76cm available
Weight Range:25":103lbs/47kg;27": 110lbs/ 50kg,
Oil and Waterproof
Height Range:17''/ 43cm ~ 38.5''/ 98cm
Cushion:3"/ 7.6cm multi-layer Soft-foam system
Upholstery:Comfort Soft-touch PU upholstering
2 Year Limited Warranty
Easy to use foot pedal.Heavy-duty steel frame
Headrest outlets on both ends
Smooth, reliable electric lift actuator
Easy control powerlift height adjustment
Heavy duty polypropylene wheels for easy transportation
3" thick multi-layer soft foam system
Super comfort Soft-touch luxurious PU upholstering
Verð 224.000 Tilboð :194.000 ef greitt
30.000 innborgun (kemur í júni)
Lyftir 204 kg
Breidd 76 cm
Rafmagnslyfta á allan bekkinn.þar sem þú getur hækkað og lækkað allan
hringinn þegar þú stígur á silfraða bogann sem er allan hringinn
6.7 cm þykkt
Höfuðpúði þar sem andlit fellur inn í fylgir
Svartir eða Beige litaðir
Olíu og vatnshelt= betri ending á
Lifting Capacity: 450 lbs/ 204kgs
Length:72.5″/ 184cm (Table top),
including headrest: 83.1″/ 211cm
Width 30″/ 76cm
Weight 60 kg
and Waterproof
Height Range:17”/ 43cm ~ 38.5”/ 98cm
6,7cm multi-layer Soft-foam system
Upholstery:Comfort Soft-touch PU upholstering Electric massage
table: Construction: 3 year guarantee, motor: 2 year guarantee, vinyl
and accessories: 2 year guarantee Easy to use foot
pedal.Heavy-duty steel frame Headrest outlets on both ends Smooth, reliable electric lift
actuator Easy control powerlift height
Diva -Rafmagns Snyrti og Nuddbekkur Verð : 379.000
Verð : 389.000
Tilboð kaupa
núna kemur í mai 2022 ef þú festir þér
bekk með 30.000 innborgun meðan hann er á leiðinni þá 349.000 annars er
hann í 389.000 Lifting
Capacity: 204 kg
Length:72.5"/ 184m (Table top),
Width:76cm without the arms Weight
Height Range:17.3''/ 44cm ~ 39''/ 99cm
Cushion:3"/7.5cm multi-layer Soft-foam system
Upholstery: Comfort Soft-touch PU upholstering. Electric massage table:
Construction: 2 year guarantee, motor: 2 year guarantee, vinyl and
accessories: 2years Easy to use foot pedal and
hand controller. Heavy duty steel frame Electrically controlled
backrest and leg rest Headrest outlets on both-ends Smooth, reliable electric lift
actuator Easy control powerlift height
adjustment Heavy duty Polypropylene
wheels for ease transportation 3" thick multi-layer Soft foam
system Comfort Soft-touch luxurious
PU upholstering Oil and Waterproof
Tilvalið fyrir
Snyrtifræðinginn, Nuddarann, fótaaðgerðafræðinginn og aðra í
heilsugeiranum Lyftir 204 kg Breidd
76 cm án arma,
Rafmagnslyfta á efri og neðri hluta
7.5 cm þykkt
Höfuðpúði þar sem andlit fellur inn í fylgir
Svartir eða Beige litaðir Armar
teknir af með einu handtaki
Egat Canon Verð
: 389.000 - uppselt
Capacity: 272 kg
Black color
Width:73,6cm Weight
Height Range:17.3''/ 45cm ~ 39''/ 98cm
Cushion:2,5"/6.7cm multi-layer Soft-foam system
Upholstery: Comfort Soft-touch PU upholstering. Electric massage table:
Construction: 2 year guarantee, motor: 2 year guarantee, vinyl and
accessories: 2years Easy to use foot pedal and
hand controller. Heavy duty steel frame Smooth, reliable electric lift
actuator Easy control powerlift height
adjustment Heavy duty Polypropylene
wheels for ease transportation 2,5" thick multi-layer Soft
system Comfort Soft-touch luxurious
PU upholstering Oil and Waterproof Þú getur lyft bekk upp eða niður allan
hringinn með fótunum kemur með
pappírsrúllu til að setja yfir
bekkinn sem og festingu fyrir
Egat MasterSérpöntun Verð 379.000 Length: 208cm hægt að hækka og lækka með fótstigi
allan hringinn Width: 29" 73,6 cm þyngd á bekk 103 kg Electric Height
Adjustment:50cm~95cm (Dewert) Electric Midlift Adjustment
(Dewert) Pneumatic Headrest Angle
Adjustment:-50°-30° Pneumatic backrest Angle
Adjustment:-13°-75° Accessories: Breath-hole
Filler, Regular Hand Controller Options: Castors System, Walk
Free Foot Controller, lyftir
362 kg þykkt á svampi 6.35 lyftist í miðju og á
báðum endum
389.000 kemur í
mai 2022 ef þú festir þér bekk með 30.000 innborgun meðan hann er á
leiðinni þá 349.000 annars er hann í 389.000
á litinn kaupa
Snyrtistóll fyrir fótasnyrtingu og
Massage Deluxe
is a high-end electric SPA massage bed. The 4-section adjustable
mattress can provide users with a zero-gravity comfortable sitting
position. The table mattress adjustment ability can meet the treatment
needs of different supine or prone directions. Its exclusive 4 "/ 10cm
thick sectional combination mattress can provide the comfort of a
high-end sofa alike and provide better breathability for contact
surfaces. The sectional mattress is composed of 16 separate removable
and replaceable round pillows, which can be arbitrarily combined
according to user needs. With breast recesses and padded pads at both
ends of the bed, it offers unparalleled comfort for both male and
female customers.
: 389.000 - Tilboð : 349.000kaupa
núna kemur í mai 2022
1stk syningarbekkur til. kemur í mai 2022 ef þú festir þér
bekk með 30.000 innborgun meðan hann er á leiðinni þá 349.000 annars er
hann í 389.000 Lifting
Capacity: 272 kg
Black color
Length:2.20 með höfuðpúða sem er hægt að setja í báða enda og taka af.
Width:76 cm Weight
76 kg
Height Range:18"/46cm~37"/95cm (Dewert) Upholstery:
Comfort Soft-touch PU upholstering , Water Resistant Electric massage table:
Construction: 2 year guarantee, motor: 2 year guarantee, vinyl and
accessories: 2years Easy to use foot pedal and
hand controller. Heavy duty steel frame Smooth, reliable electric lift
actuator Easy control powerlift height
adjustment Heavy duty Polypropylene
wheels for ease transportation 10 cm thick
multi-layer Soft foam
system Comfort Soft-touch luxurious
PU upholstering Oil and Waterproof Þú getur lyft bekk upp eða niður allan
hringinn með fótunum
Circulation system model
Hæð á modeli 1 meter breidd 40 cm í þrívídd
kr 19.900 kaupa
núna Model of
Human Blood Circulation System cardiovascular and heart anatomy model
Lympathetic system model
í þrívídd
kr 39.900 kaupa
núna Stæ rð :52x83 cm Anatomy
model of human lymphatic system,Advanced painted anatomical model of
lymphatic system medical science
model shows the network of blood vessels and nerves in the right
arm, short and long extensor muscle of the radial wrist with
branchioradial muscle, round pronator muscle, superficial flexor muscle
of the fingers. 2.Separated
into 7 parts and 87 positions displayed.
Sporer með 4 hraðastillingum
og mismunandi lit fyrir hvern hraða 1600
times/min to 2900 times/min þyngd 850 grömm The
average run-time is 4-11 hours depending on speed level and pressure
applied during use.
er einstaklega vel hönnuð, létt og með góðu sílíkongripi. Þú getur
stjórnað henni á einfaldan máta með LED snertiskjánum þar sem þú sérð
sömuleiðis allar mikilvægar upplýsingar. Nuddbyssan kemur í góðri tösku
með sjö mismunandi hausum svo allir vöðvar geta upplifað slökun. Sportster með 4 hraðastillingum og
mismunandi lit fyrir hvern hraða 1600
times/min to 3200 times/min þyngd 850 grömm The
average run-time is 4-11 hours depending on speed level and pressure
applied during use.
Togbekkur Verð
63.000 Tilboð
53.000= saman settur 74.000kaupa
sem kemur bakinu þínu í lag Togbekkur fyrir hryggjaliðina og bakverki ,
gott við allskyns bakvandamálum ,lesið nánar á
Quality Infrared Therapy Tdp Lamp Acupuncture Infra-red Lamp/tdp
Mineral Lamp/ Infrared Light For Pain Relief
hitalampar með 250 w perum
núna Svartir
eða hvítir
Hentugt við : Mjúkvefja meiðslum, vöðvaálagi,spennu í vöðvum,sciatica, frosnum öxlum, iktsýki (liðagikt), niðurgangi barna
for soft tissue injury ,lumbar muscular strain, sciatica,frozen
shoulder, rheumatoid arthritis, pediatric diarrhea and other deseases
of adjuvant therapy
contraindications active
tuberculosis, high
fever patients ,severe arteriosclerosis, bleeding disorders, bleeding
with acture injuries
Hitalampi fyrir allskyns verki 300w kaupa
Infrarauður Hitalampi fyrir allskyns
verki 300w (Svartir, Hvítir eða rauðir )
jákvæð áhrif á gikt, eykur virkni ýmissa ensíma sem bæta blóðrás og
alla virkni líkamans, léttir á öllum líkamlegum verkjum ss bakverkjum,
axlarverkjum,liðverkjum og liðagikt
care: Far-infrared spectroscopy has strong permeability and deep skin
heating, which can effectively improve blood circulation, improve skin
tissue, and have beauty and health effects. Through infrared radiation,
it can have a biological effect on the human body, thereby increasing
the activity of various enzymes in the body to achieve the purpose of
repairing and clearing the microcirculation channels, improving blood
circulation, regulating the nerve secretion system, and improving the
health of the body.
care: the infrared spectrum penetrates strong, deeply
heats the skin, improves blood circulation effectively, improves the
skin tissue, has the beauty and health effect.
Tilvalið til að setja á nuddbekk
óléttar svart eða beige Verð: 39.000 kaupa
The ultimate in comfort and
luxury, Pregnant Cushion provides support whether your client
is in a face-down or face-up position. The supple-cushions offer relief
for stress and muscle tension. Whether you are performing massage,
physical therapy, or ankle and pregnancy massage, your clients remain
comfortable and fully-supported throughout. The Pregnant Cushion
Package is the ideal cushioning system for feminie, any stage of
pregnancy and anyone who can't lie comfortably on their stomach.
Foot and Leg
Massager uppselt
virkilega vel á fótunum ekkert klapp :)
fylgir með ( sem sést ekki á mynd) nuddþrýstingur á kálfa .
1. Heel reddish/Digital time
2. Mesh carbon fiber heating
3. Groups of roller massage
4. Infrared hot compress care
5. Intelligent button, one key to start
6. Air pressure massage for foot and leg
Gott fyrir
Insomnia, Neurasthenia, Metal sress.
Bad blood circulation & frail and tired body.
3. Limb paralysis, Waist sour backache.
4. Function of intestine and stomach are bad, Indigestion.
5. Bad immunity & often suffer flu.
6. Function of kidney is bad, Sexual decrease.
7. Lack of sports, old & frail, with cold arm and feet.
mörgum stillingum - Langbesta tækið á markaðinum sem eg hef
= engin vettlingatök. Stórkostleg
nuddtæki sem taka djúpt á þér rúllar upp eftir öllu baki með eða án
tapping ... 9stk airbags , 3 mismunandi loftþrýstingur á bakið og
rassvöðvana, djúpnudd á háls og bak, 2 pör af boltum rúlla eftir
bakinu, infrarauður hiti á bak, háls og rassvöðva, Verð
núna 1. Infrared warm function
Four massage heads for neck kneading massage
Vehicles and the use of either family (with car cigarette lighter, home
12 massage heads for waist, back shiatsu massage
Vibrating massage for buttocks
Means the arcupressure and kneading techniques, can reduce fatigue,
happy and extremely lightweight
Can be use with sofa and chair both home and car
Þessi nuddsæti fara djúpt inn í
vöðvana og eru á við besta nuddara og eru fljót að borga sig
og þú getur farið í nudd þegar þér
hentar :)
Rúm og Skrifborðsnuddari Verð
núna Olíu og vatnsheldur Hægt
að setja á öll borð og undir allar dýnur Ferðataska
fylgir beige eða
svartir á litinn
Rúmnuddariilb Tilvalinn
fyrir pörin sem vilja nudda hvort annað beige
eða svartir höfuðpúðar . Andlitspúði
sem fer undir rúmdýnur , vatns og olíuheldur kr 9900kaupa
Trigger punkta spjöld
74cm x 53 cm kr
núna Efri og neðri hluti
Luxe - Ferðanuddstóll Adjustable
face cradle Adjustable
seat heigt Adjustable
seat heigt Adjustable
arm heigt Light
weight aluminum frame Weight
7 kg Léttur
og þægilegur
Gerður úr sterku áli
Vegur aðeins um 7kg.
Þolir 159kg.
Marg stillanlegur, fyrir andlit, handleggi og sæti.
Kemur með með brjóstapúða Svartir
og beige
með tösku
Verð:39.000(svartir eða beige)kaupa
til að
auðvelda þér allan flutning á nuddbekk Passar
fyrir allar stærðir Verð
: 6900kaupa núna
carrying table is getting too hard, enjoy the ease of rolling your
table whenever you go. You'll wonder how you ever lived without it.
Massage table cart features a resilient telescoping handle, improved 6"
wheels for stability, stair glides and folds very compactly. Fits all
brands up to 32" tables in their carry case. Perfect for the traveling
massage therapist. You'll enjoy the compact storage of our new table
cart and the convenience of its oversized wheels.
Saddle Nuddstóll
með Hnakki Verð
svartir eða beige 29.800kaupa
núna Mikill kostur =
fara upp í 73 cm sem er háttog
niður í 44 cm Olíu og vatnshelt áklæði
Stóll með baki svartir eða
beige Verð 29.800kaupa
núna Olíu og vatnshelt áklæði Mikill
kostur = fara upp í 73 cm sem er
hátt Dynamic Load:
250 kg distributed load
Net Weight: 17.6 lbs /8 kg
Height range: Seat height: 20.8"/53cm~28.
Backrest: 33"/84cm~41"/104cm
Padding: 4"/10cm Semi-firm foam system
for the seat pad
1.6"/4cm Semi-firm foam system
for the backrest.
Upholstery: Durable PVC vinyl upholstering.
undir ferðanuddbekki (passar á alla bekki) til að geyma lök kr 5900kaupa
Andlitslök kr 4900
núna 4stk(til í nokkrum litum) Microfiber Table
Cover Set including 12pc pillow cover,use for decorating and protecting
table. With Pure 100% Polyester material and sewn technique, the
Microfiber is more comfortable and soft touch, allows massage therapist
provide their clients a feeling of dignity and luxury. The improved
material is easy cycle for moisture and air also durable washing.
Lak á bekk og andlit kr 3400kaupa
núna(til í
fjólubláu )
Microfiber Table Cover Set including
one piece face cushion cover and one piece table cover, use for
decorating and protecting table. With Pure 100% Polyester material and
sewn technique, the Microfiber is more comfortable and soft touch,
allows massage therapist provide their clients a feeling of dignity and
luxury. The improved material is easy cycle for moisture and air also
durable washing.
Lök á bekk (undir, yfir og andlit)
kr 4500kaupa
núna ( Sandlitað eins og á mynd)
face cover - Andlitslak
á höfuðhvílu þvottavænt Verð (4 í pakka 4900
Einnota Vatnshelt
áklæði til
að vernda bekkinn 10 stk í
pakka 1900 kr
(1.80 x 80 cm)kaupa
núna eða aðeins 190
kr lakið
til skiptana These
bed sheets are finished with waterproof backing so they
the table surface and foam from moisture and staining. They are perfect
for both dry and wet body treatments and andy spa services .The
disposable sheets are ectremely sanitary and save you from doing laundry.
Sheats - Lök á Bekki yfir
og undir og andlit .
Verð : 6000 settið
Flannel -
þvottavænt. sky
Oil Massage Heater Nuddolíuhitari - Nauðsynlegur
fyrir alla nuddara Notalegt
fyrir Nuddþega að finna fyrir heitri olíu verð
Aromax Nuddolia
Nokkrar mismunandi tegundir stk 2500 (250ml) kaupa
núna (3 saman 6900 kr )
1 liter pakkning kr 7900
og shiu relaxing massage - Exotic Body care massage oil
containing clementine, bergamott, shiu, grapefruit and yarrow essential
oils, sunflower and peanut oils and vitamin E. Its pleasant, exotic
fragrance helps us to loose ourselves to the pleasure of massage. Its
substantial skin care components have softening, nourishing effect. It
is an ideal base oil for relaxing massage. Does not contain any
synthetic fragrance and coloring components. mandarin
og lavender relaxing massage - Body care massage
containing mandarin and lavender essential oils of natural origin.
Pleasant fragrance for those, who long for relaxation. The sunflower
and peanut oils which the product also contains have softening,
nourishing effect. It is an ideal base oil for relaxing massage. Does
not contain any synthetic fragrance and coloring components
og rosemary Freshining massage - Dynamising Rosemary
contains a wealth of anti-aging properties—most
notable being its ability to improve memory and focus—especially in the
elderly. Rosemary’s rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory
compounds are thought to be the key to its antiaging ability, including
rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid, betulic acid, and carnosol. Menthol-scented
oil containing peppermint and rosemary oils from natural origins.
Essential oils refresh and cool the skin and stimulate skin
circulation. Its substantial skin care components have softening,
nourishing effect. It is an ideal base oil for refreshing massage. Does
not contain any synthetic fragrance and coloring components. ylang
og vanilla
sensual massage - Sensual
Body care massage
containing ylang-ylang, petitgrain and sweet orange oil, Bourbon
Vanilla extract, sunflower and peanut oils and natural antioxidant. Its
harmonic, soft and sweetish flower-scent remains on the skin. Its
substantial skin care components have softening, nourishing effect. It
is also recommended for women's daily skin care. Does not contain any
synthetic fragrance and coloring components.
oil with cinnamon and lemon oils - Sweet
Body care massage
oil containing lemon and cinnamon essential oils and peanut oil of
natural origin. Its harmonic, sweet fragrance lasts long on the skin.
Its substantial skin care components have softening, nourishing effect.
It is an ideal base oil for relaxing massage. Does not contain any
synthetic fragrance and coloring components.
olia án allra aukaefna
og lyktarlaus
((250 ml ) verð: 1stk 2100 kr ,
3stk 5900 krkaupa
núna 1 liter pakkning 7900 5 liter pakkning
Main Applications
This type of oil can be used in pharmaceutical, food
packaging, cosmetic and other applications like TPE/EPDM,
where this high purity is required by legislation or important
for the quality of the finished product
highly refined,
non-stabilised, aromatic-free mainly iso-paraffinic white mineral oil
complying with the stringent
pharmacopoeia purity requirements.
Carrying Case - Ferðabekkjataska
Utan um ferðanuddbekki 76 og
81 cm á
breidd kr 5900kaupa
Sniðugt fyrir nuddarann til að nudda sjálfur
spennu punkta á baki sitthvoru megin við spine sitjandi á
stól með baki.
fyrir trigger punkta til að hlífa liðum í fingrum þegar þarf að fara
djúpt í
kr 1500 kaupa
The revolutionary new universal
face cushion is made of extreme soft molded polyurethane foam which
makes for a memory foam effect. The curved angular shaped surface meets
the different shape of each client's face. Our larger cut-out ensures
client's eyes will never feel pressure. To ensure durability the new
universal face cushion has our environmental skin touch pu that is oil,
water, and abrasion resistant available in various colors this face
cushion is the perfect accessory for all professionals
This ergonomic pillow is ideal
for home or professional use.
Andlitsundirstaða inn í bekk
(20 cm á milli gata þ.e.a.s frá miðju gati yfir í mitt næsta gat í bekk) kr 6900 kaupa
adjustable aluminum frame with flat plastic plate form.
Light and durable, a plastic plate form is a consistently uniform and
economic option.
Available in beige or black colors.
svart eða beige
Our newly designed Contoured Arm Support is also fully adjustable and
built with thick
foam for added comfort but with a fresh ergonomic shape where arms and
hands are intuitively and healthfully supported. What’s more is that this new
support is foldable for easy storage and transport.
Breikkun á
nuddbekk 6900 kr beige eða svartkaupa
Egat Bolster undir hné og ökkla Verð : 5500kaupa
núna Beige
eða svart. (15cm X 7.5cm X 66cm)
Egat Bolster
undir hné og ökkla verð : 5500 kaupa
Beige ,svartir eða rústrauðir.
(15cm X 13cm X 66cm)
Egat Bold bolster Verð :7500 Svartir eða beige kaupa
Cloud-soft Round Bolster Ф8”X28” (Ф20cm X
71cm) Product material:PU vinyl and
filled plush polyfill Package Size:72×20CM
It's designed to ease your
pressure.Your head , neck and shoulder will feel relaxed. The tiredness will stay away
from you.
1.Recommended by professionals. 2.They have been actual-client
field-tested and the 6" diameter has
been proven to be more comfortable than any other size. 3.Easy-to-clean With our Silky
smooth upholstery and Cloudy Soft foam filling provide superior comfort
and support for your clients. 4.Place it under the knees,
ankles or lower abdomen to relieve tension. 5.It features a zippered outer
case and a strap handle allowing for easy positioning during sessions.
Your clients will notice the improvement.
Olíubelti Verð :2500kaupa
núna Allt
fylgir sem er á mynd
tegund af hitateppum.
Luxus hitateppi Verð :
7500 kaupa
76cm x 1.92með tímastilli Slekkur
á sér eftir 8 tíma 3
therapists will prefer to use our large flat-ovular-basalt for the
thigh muscles instead of our medium sized ovular basalt stones. The 18 pcs mini body
massage stone set adds 2 more large falt ovular basalt
stones and 2 pressure point stones which are ideal for backside and
neck massage, especially after a long day of using computers. It’s
suitable for a 40 minutes full body massage. The natural bamboo box is
handmade to provide an efficient storage place for your stones
Massage stones
Professional stone heater
18 stk nuddsteinar í fallegum kassa ásamt Steinapotti.
Stone Heater
fylgja varðandi notkun sem og grunnleiðbeiningar í
steinanuddi Verð á
steinum og potti : 39.000- kaupa
núna Dinmensions: 22'' X14.5'' X7.5''
Power: 1420 Watt
Volts: 115 or 230 volts available
Plug: US, EU and UK plug available
This professional 18 quart stone heating unit
( 17 lítrar )
can be used for a more quantities stone set.
It heating unit maintains a constant,
even temperature so your massage stones
are always ready to use.
This is an ideal unit for both hot stone
massage and warm stone massage
EGM Stórkostlegt
hálsnuddtæki Verð : 16.900 kaupa
Alhliða nuddari þar sem þú vilt nudda þig Verð
: 13900kaupa
Venida Leggjanuddari.
Verð : 15.900 kaupa
núna Venida Air Compression Leg Massager with Heat!
care for your leg muscle vitality, Venida Leg Massager helps to ease
leg numbness after long time squatting or sitting, it
also suits well to regain leg strength after surgery.
This product
is equipped with 2 Airbags for massage and 1 smart button control
panel, 3
levels of intensity adjustment to give you massage for ten minutes at
each time.
can be used on multiple parts of your body: lower legs, thighs, arms,
Nuddbolti : verð :12.900 kaupa
Allar nánari upplysingar á myndum.
er titrandi
nuddbolti. Einstaklega góður fyrir trigger punkta nudd. Meðal annars
til að losa um hnúta í vöðvum, auka blóðflæði, slaka á vöðvum og auka
liðleika. Molecule er frábært félagi til að hafa í æfingatöskunni mjög
fyrirferðalítill, einungis 340 gr. og 90 mm þvermál.
Einungis 340 grömm.
90mm þvermál.
hlaðin með USB-C snúru.
Sérstaklega húðaður
með gripi, fyrir öryggi og stöðugleika.
5 mismunandi
hraðastillingar á titring.
Input voltage: 5V/2A Output voltage:: 3.7V Level of vibration speed: 5
levels, 2000-3000 times/minute Net weight: 0.75Ibs Color: black Charging port: USB-C Battery capacity: 1200mAh Product size: 90
Reusable Hot/Cold Gel Pack | Multiple Applications for Muscle, Joint
Pain, Sinus Relief
Verð : 1390kaupa
núna Usage: To heat, microwave or boil to
obtain hot therapy. To obtain cold therapy, freeze
for at least one hour. It can reach high of 140°F and
low of 10°F, and maintain therapy for approximately 30 minutes. Characteristic: Can be reused
either for cold or hot. Remains soft and pliable after
freezing. Cleans easily with soap and
PACKS provide cool relief to soothe shoulder pain, bruised and scraped
knees, tired eyes, persistent sinus headache, a swelling wrist or
ankle, tender cheeks after dental work and so much more. *GRAB-AND-GO CONVENIENCE: keep
a few of these formfitting gel pads in the freezer for immediate use
when you need an ice pack. *THERMAL THERAPY: whether used
as a hand warmer for your pocket on a cold winter day, or a bit of warm
compression for an overworked, sore muscle, Fire & Ice Hot Cold
Packs provide fast, convenient warmth after only seconds in the
microwave *KEEPING IT COOL: stuff an ice
cold gel pack in a lunch box to keep food fresh and cool all day. They
make great freezer packs for lunch bags and boxes, as well as coolers
when out on a trip to the beach or a weekend in the woods. Throw
several frozen packs in the cooler, and away you go! No more messy ice
cubes. *SOOTHING GEL: each pack is
filled with our non-toxic gel solution which can easily freeze or
quickly heat up for all your home food and nursing needs, whether it's
a chicken salad sandwich in your lunchbox or a child with a black eye
or hurt knee.
: 2490kaupa
núna Simply
flex the inside metal plate, the hot pack instantly begins to
warm up as the liquid gel turns to a crystallized form.
The pack is reusable. When the
pack has cooled, when using it again heat it in hot water.
the pack can be used
again or stored to provide instant heat whenever needed time and time